Score: 6.45/10
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari 2nd | 80 MB | 720p | Download Links | [Complete]
The nation's capital, Tokyo, where the Space Elevator Project is proceeding at full tilt, in preparation for the summit. Established to fight crime based around Willwear, enhanced armor, is the Special Public Security Fifth Division Third Mobile Assault Eighth Unit—Unit 8 in short. Having saved Japan from Logos' terrorism, Unit 8 was now become really popular around the country. However, crimes misusing Willwear showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, they kept escalating. Kuroki and the rest of Unit 8 now have new members on their side, and continue to fight evil crimes with their brains, bravery, and the gift of gab—now with the help of civilian police.
Anime Trailer

Resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels | Size: ~80MB
RAW Source: TV-Rip [HorribleSubs]
Display aspect ratio : 16:9 | Bit depth: 8 bits
Frame rate mode: Constant Frame Rate (27.0)
Audio: Japanese (Vorbis) | Subtitle: English (.ass)

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- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- Episode 17
- Episode 18
- Episode 19
- Episode 20
- Episode 21
- Episode 22
- Episode 23
- Episode 24